The Differences Between The Cell Guard Classic and Sliver
What is the difference between the classic Cell Guard and the Cell Guard Sliver?
Both chips are powered by our scientifically proven, dual- action technologies; MRET (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology) and ERT (Energy Resonance Technology).The differences are indicated by their sizes, shapes and their expiration dates.
We have noted from our customer feedback that men and teens prefer the Sliver. The Sliver is ideal for those who prefer a flat, low-profile chip on their phone. Men frequently tuck their phones in their pocket and this storage method accommodates the Sliver comfortably. Both men and teens seem to prefer the discreet and less observable size of the Sliver. Whichever you prefer, the classic Cell Guard or the Cell Guard Sliver, you can remain confident that our proven technologies are functioning to help neutralize the effects of potentially harmful radiation frequencies from your device!
More detailed and interesting information on the differences of our chips is located on our FAQS page.
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