Dr. Igor Smirnov
“Cells in the body react to EMFs as potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure and produces a biochemical stress response.”
Dr. Reba Goodman, PhD, Columbia University
About Dr. Smirnov & The MRET Cell Phone Radiation Shield Invention
Our technology is the result of years of research and development in the areas of nuclear physics, engineering and advanced research into the effects of EMF radiation on human cellular physiology by American scientist, Dr. Igor Smirnov.
Inspired by his official scientific investigation into the catastrophic Chernobyl, Russia radiation leak of 1986, which induced more than three million incidents of cancer amongst the population of people living in the surrounding areas, Dr. Smirnov developed and patented a shielding material, method and device to counteract the biological effects of harmful radiation.
This unique and innovative shielding device breakthrough is the only patented technology product of it`s kind in the world!
About Dr. Igor Smirnov
Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics and Engineering with a Master`s of Science degree in mechanical engineering.
Continuing his education into the next decade, he was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low frequency electromagnetic ocillations (EMFs) on human cellular physiology at St. Petersburg State University, graduating in 1986 with his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
After the catastrophic nuclear plant radiation leak at Chernobyl Russia in 1986, which induced more than three million incidents of cancer amongst the people living in the surrounding areas, Dr. Smirnov and his scientific team investigated the healing effect of the area Caucasus Mountains spring water on the survivors of the radioactive leak.
The geomagnetic field of the mountain spring water proved to be unique in structure and action; it absorbed rapidly and more efficiently into the bodies of the native people exposed to the catastrophic radiation, eliminating the harmful effects of the radiation exposure from the cells prior to any damage.
Dr. Smirnov`s successful investigation of the Chernobyl disaster inspired years of careful research and his subsequent invention of “MRET Activated Water” using his breakthrough development, “Molecular Resonance Effect Technology.” (I-H2O Activation System)
Dr. Smirnov was awarded two United States patents, “Method and Device for Producing Activated Liquids and methods of Use Thereof” and “Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Material and Device.”
His research has been published in the St. Petersburg University Press and in peer reviewed magazines such as Explore Magazine, The Electric Space Craft Journal, The Electric Journal of Biotechnology and the European Journal Of Scientific Research.
He is the President of Global Quantech, Inc., A bio-techological research company and a Member of The Bioelectromagnetics Society of America, The Biophysical Society and The Association Of American Engineers.
Dr. Smirnov lectures extensively and makes speaches at international scientific congresses and conferences such as;
• Bioelectromagnetic Society Annual Meetings
• Rutgers Symposium On Lunar Settlements
• The Society For Physical Regulation In Biology And Medicine Conference
• Thailand National Cancer Symposium
• Thailand Ministry of Public Health and The Chemistry Society of Thailand Meeting
• Asia-Pacific Electromagnetics Fields Conference
• The Front Asia and Oceanic Congress For Radiation Protection
• Effects of EMR on Biological Systems Conference
Dr. Smirnov’s successful breakthrough with water activation has inspired him to develop another MRET invention;
Electromagnetic random noise fields (low-frequency electromagnetic waves) have been shown to interfere with the reception of harmful radiation at the cellular level, producing a form of shielding.
Several controlled scientific experiments have been conducted, whereby, the superimposing of electromagnetic noise fields onto a radiation wave proved to counteract the biological effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation. This is the precise beneficial action accomplished by the MRET cell phone radiation shield device;
External high frequency electromagnetic radiation generates an excitatory response in the crystalline piezoelectric structures of the MRET shield polymer. Subsequently, the MRET polymer chip generates biologically active subtle electromagnetic waves, which are superimposed onto the initial high frequency electromagnetic radiation and thereby has the ability to interact with biological systems to help shield cell receptors from the detection of harmful radiation.
“MRET-Shield material and devices made, when placed in proximity to persons, animals and plants serve to lessen adverse health effects caused by electromagnetic radiation exposure. The material is responsive to magnetic fields, emitting natural electromagnetic oscillations which are beneficial to humans, animals and plants, and off-set harmful aspects of EMR.”
Dr. Igor Smirnov, Ph.D.
The US Patent no. 6369399 B1 “Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Material and Device” was issued to Dr. Smirnov in 2002. Since then, the technology has been recognized world wide.
“The MRET Shield Device Counts Amongst The Major Scientific Breakthroughs Of The Century”
Dr. Howard W. Fisher